Life Improvement by Future Technologies Center
Life Improvement by Future Technologies


LIFT CENTER is a non-governmental research organization conducting fundamental and applied research at the intersection of natural science disciplines. The use of advanced developments in physics allows to bring biology and medicine to a fundamentally new level by developing new methods of therapy and diagnostics research, as well as creating ultra-precise physical models of biological processes.
Areas of activity:

Basic science

  • Building a scientific foundation
  • Cross-team interaction
    with the scientific community

Applied Science

  • Equipment and technical support
  • Validation of scientific hypotheses
  • Applied adaptation of technology
  • Formation of competencies


  • Standardization and certification
  • License sales
  • New products
Research Directions:

The Center has formed a scientific nucleus including world-renowned scientists. The management team has already formed a balanced system of directions that complement and stimulate the development of LIFT:

  • Targeted drug delivery systems
  • Molecular neurointerfaces
  • Optical quantum sensors
  • Spinal neuroprostheses
  • Genomic biomimetics
  • Brain Electromagnetic Analysis
The official opening took place on July 16 at the SPIEF venue

The Center has already concluded agreements:

  • On partnership with the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia
  • On joint implementation of projects with the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology
Менеджер проектов вакансия
Project Manager
Contact us

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