Life Improvement by Future Technologies Center
Life Improvement by Future Technologies Center

Master’s program

Master's Program in
program start
years, full-time format
Our first intake — 11 people are now enrolled
  1. Veronika Igorevna Barkovskaya
  2. Yulia Viktorovna Borodacheva
  3. Oleg Andreyevich Ivanov
  4. Miftahov Rasim Rustemovich
  5. Kamilla Aidarovna Nasrulina
  6. Elizaveta Roslyakova (elder)
  7. Sulimova Arina Igorevna
  8. Tanasova Sofia Borisovna
  9. Maria Nikolaevna Topnikova
  10. Igor Evgenyevich Yakushev
  11. Yashina Tamara Viktorovna
Who do we train in the graduate program?

Equipped with sound fundamental knowledge and unique practical competencies, a neuroscience researcher will be in demand both in research laboratories and innovative pharmaceutical companies around the world.

Graduates of the program will be able to become not only researchers in the field of neuroscience, but also try themselves as creators of new innovative products capable of restoring and expanding brain functions.

In close contact with leading experts in neurosciences, synthetic neurobiology and neuroprosthetics, students will be able to study disciplines related to the principles of signal processing in living systems, molecular and cellular neurobiology, synaptic signaling, neural networks, neuropsychology, as well as an important area of training for future leaders of scientific projects — research management.

Key Insights
Training direction
06.04.01 Biology
Medical neurotechnology
Form of training
Number of places
15 places
40 000₽
Level of professional education
Master's degree, higher education
2 years in full-time education
is provided on standard terms N.I. Pirogov RNIMU
Compulsory educational courses
  • Cellular neurobiology
  • Evolutionary neuroanatomy
  • Neuropsychology with the basics of social psychology
  • Principles of signal processing and transmission
  • Neurogenesis and trophics of the nervous system
  • Ethology
  • Whole brain signaling
  • Ontogenesis of the nervous system
  • Global Trends in Modern Science
  • Research management
Optional courses
  • Analyzing algorithms
  • Functional systems of the human brain
  • Genomic, proteomic and metabolomic analysis
  • BigData analysis
  • Neuroimmunology
  • Cellular and Regenerative Neurotechnology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Microelectronics
  • Social Psychology
Scientific work in leading laboratories

Neurocampus provides a unified ecosystem of education and enlightenment, involving direct involvement and participation of students in the development of new medical technologies.

The students will have access to scientific projects in the leading Russian laboratories: the Federal Brain and Neurotechnology Center of FMBA, Pirogov Russian National Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc., where they will be offered projects including:

  • growing brain tissue from stem cells
  • studying the dynamics of molecules in cells using super-resolution microscopy
  • Analyzing genomic, proteomic and metabolomic data
  • developing genetically encoded sensors and gene therapeutics
  • animal microsurgery
  • design of microelectrode arrays for brain-computer interfaces
  • creation of genetically modified organisms
  • many other aspects of modern neuroscience
Georgy Nosov — Head of Master's program

Researcher of the Laboratory of Neurotechnologies of the Federal Center for Neurotechnologies of FMBA of Russia, PhD, Candidate of Biological Sciences

Darya Serebryanaya — Head of the educational process

Researcher at the MSU Faculty of Biology, Ph.D. in Biology

Teachers of the Master’s program are leading Russian and foreign scientists-neurobiologists, specialists in computer science, developers of neurointerfaces and genotherapeutic drugs.
Andrey Rozov — Head of the Electrophysiology Laboratory of the Federal Medical and Biological Center of FMBA of Russia, PhD, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Igor Bondar — Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Olga Kudryashova — Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Neurotechnologies of the Federal Center for Neurotechnology of FMBA of Russia, PhD in Biological Sciences
Dmitry Korzhenevsky — Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Neurotechnologies of the Federal Center for Neurotechnology of FMBA of Russia, PhD in Biological Sciences
Testimonials from our students about their training on the «Medical Neurotechnology» program