Life Improvement by Future Technologies Center
Кошев Николай Александрович

Nikolay Koshev


Academic degree:

2012 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences , Lomonosov Moscow State University.


2009 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, specialty – “physicist”.


Nikolay Koshev is an expert in the field of inverse and incorrect problems of mathematical physics and applied mathematics. He has extensive experience in experiment planning and experimental data processing. He specialized in solving Fredholm integral equations while working in Sweden and Brazil in electron microscopy and X-ray tomography applications. While at the University of North Carolina, he worked on inverse quotient problems for quasilinear partial differential equations. He has authored and co-authored several papers on the Cauchy problem for linear and quasilinear differential and integro-differential equations using convolutionalization. Since 2020 he has been investigating the problems of creating magnetoencephalography systems based on new types of sensors: optically pumped magnetometers and solid-state ferro-probe magnetometers based on iron-yttrium garnet films, as well as the creation of mathematical and algorithmic support for new types of MEG, optimization of sensor systems taking into account the specifics of the latter, and creation of an experimental paradigm for new types of MEG.


1. Koshev, Nikolay, et al. “Yttrium-Iron Garnet Film Magnetometer for Registration of Magnetic Nano-and Submicron Particles: In Vitro and in Vivo Studies.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering(2023).

2. Koshev, N., et al. “YIG-based Sensor System for Millisecond Time Range Magnetorelaxometry.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2023).