Life Improvement by Future Technologies Center
Осадчий Алексей Евгеньевич

Aleksey Ossadtchi


Academic Degrees:

2023 Doctor of Computer Science : National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (Ph.D.-M.Sc. VAK)

2003 PhD : University of Southern California, specialty 01.00.00 “Physical and Mathematical Sciences” and 03.03.06 “Neurobiology”, thesis topic: Automatic non-invasive detection and analysis of epileptogenic zones interaction based on MEG and EEG measurements


1997 Specialization: Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Specialization: Bauman Moscow State Technical University, specialization “Autonomous Information and Control Systems”, qualification “Radio Engineer”.


Alexey Osadchiy is one of the leading Russian scientists in the field of neuroimaging and algorithmic foundations of signal processing in neurocomputer interfaces. He is currently a professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and directs the Center for Bioelectrical Interfaces at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. During his postgraduate studies at the University of Southern California, Alexey Osadchiy developed a number of new methods for automatic identification of epileptogenic zones in multifocal epilepsy based on the analysis of magnetoencephalographic data. These methods were developed as part of the commercial software EMSE Suite, in the development of which Alexey Osadchiy participated from 2005 to 2013 as a leading researcher at the American company Source Signal Imaging Inc. in San Diego, California. These approaches are currently being used to improve the diagnostic accuracy of patients with epilepsy. He is also the key inventor of BASEX, now a classical method for solving the inverse problem in photo-ion and photoelectron imaging. Alexey Osadchiy is the author of more than thirty publications in reputable international journals specializing in functional neuroimaging techniques and their real-time applications, such as BCI and neurobiocontrol. His recent developments include novel approaches to solve the inverse problem of EEG and MEG at the group level, new analytical solutions that increase the spatial resolution of MEG neuroimaging and provide access to functional connectivity detection of neuronal sources. Alexey Osadchiy is currently leading the first Russian project to develop the algorithmic and experimental foundations of bi-directional invasive neurointerfaces technology based on electrocorticography. His current projects are devoted to the development of algorithmic tools to improve the efficiency of training in the neurofeedback paradigm, the study of new interpretable neural network architectures for decoding electrophysiological brain activity, and the construction of information-analytical tools for non-invasive diagnosis of patients with epilepsy and mapping of functionally unresponsive cortex.


A. Ossadtchi, I. Semenkov, A. Zhuravleva, O. Serikov, E. Voloshina. Representational dissimilarity component analysis (ReDisCA). NeuroImage, 2024,

Altukhov, D., Kleeva D., and Ossadtchi, A., “PSIICOS projection optimality for EEG and MEG based functional coupling detection.” NeuroImage, 280 (2023): 120333,

Anna Rusinova, Maria Volodina, Alexei Ossadtchi. Short-term meditation training alters brain activity and sympathetic responses at rest, but not during meditation. Scientific Reports, 2024, May 15;14(1):11138, AIRI, HSE, LIFT, ФЦМН

A. Ossadtchi, I. Semenkov, A. Zhuravleva, O. Serikov, E. Voloshina. Representational dissimilarity component analysis (ReDisCA). NeuroImage, 2024,  

V. Aksiotis, O. Sazonov,  K. Nasrulina, D. Medvedeva, U. Nekrasova, A. Ossadtchi. AI-powered virtual reality system for training wrist amputees to use advanced prosthetic solutions. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2024 (Core A), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, October 19 – 24, 2024, 

Nikolay Dagaev, Ilia Semenkov and Alexei Ossadtchi. EEG-based fMRI digital twin: towards a cheap and ecological approach to measure subcortical brain activity. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2024 (Core A), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, October 19 – 24, 2024

Semenkov, I., Fedosov, N., Makarov, I., & Ossadtchi, A. (2023). Real-time low latency estimation of brain rhythms with deep neural networks. Journal of Neural Engineering (Q1), 20(5),056008.